St. Mary's Seminary & University

First Year of Formation


Class of 2021, First Year of Formation


Boadt, Lawrence. (Revised and Updated by Richard Clifford and Daniel Harrington)
Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction; Second Edition, Paulist Press; July 18, 2012
 ISBN: 978-0809147809

Brown, Raymond E., S.S.  An Introduction to the New Testament. New York:  Doubleday.
ISBN:  0-385-24767-2 

Cassian, John. Conferences.  Paulist Press, Classics of Western Spirituality.
ISBN:  978-0-8091-2694-1

Gadenz, Pablo T. Gospel of Luke (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) Baker Academic, September 18, 2018
ISBN:  978-0801037009

Johnson, Luke Timothy. Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church: The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians. Eerdmans, September 12, 2011
ISBN-13: 978-0802803900

Kurz, William S., SJ. Peter Williamson (Series Editor), Mary Healy (Series Editor).Acts of the Apostles (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) Baker Academic,February 18, 2014
ISBN:  978-0-8010-3633-0

Lucas, Ernest C. Exploring the Old Testament:  A Guide to the Psalms & Wisdom Literature (Exploring the Bible Series). August 1, 2016. 
ISBN:  978-0- 8308-5311-3

Pitre, Brandt and John Bergsma.  A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament.   Ignatius Press (September 15, 2018)
ISBN-10: 1586177222      ISBN-13: 978-1586177225

Sheldrake, Phillip. Spirituality:  A Brief History.  Wiley-Blackwell; 2nd edition (April 15, 2013)
ISBN:  978-1-1184-7235-4   

USCCB, Preaching the Mystery of the Faith: The Sunday Homily  – USCCB, June 1, 2013
 ISBN 978-1574554946 
can be downloaded (52 pages) at

Wenham, Gordon J. Exploring the Old Testament, Volume 1: A Guide to the Pentateuch
(Exploring the Bible Series) IVP Academic September 5, 2008.
ISBN   978-0830825417

For assigned readings for each class, please consult the Assignment Schedule Assignments Assignments -Spring 2019-First year of formation class of 2021 for this semester.